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All profits will be applied in various projects we have for the development, improvement, promotion and defense of the Estrela Mountain Dog.

Buy our products, help us help the breed!

T-shirt Capuchinho

t-shirt Capuchinho Vermelho Cão da Serra da Estrela

In Portuguese. Sizes:

XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL

Price: 15 euros

+ expedition costs

T-shirt 3 Porquinhos

t-shirt Cão da Serra da Estrela Os Três Porquinhos

 In Portuguese. Sizes:

XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL,

Price: 15 euros

+ expedition costs

Little Red Riding T-shirt

Little Red Riding Hood and Estrela t-shirt

Little Red Riding Hood T-shirt 

Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL

Price: 15 euros

+ expedition costs

Three Little Pigs T-shirt

Three Little Pigs and Estrela t-shirt

 Three Little pigs t-shirt

Sizes: XS, M, L, XL, XXL

Price: 15 euros

+ expedition costs

World Estrela Day t-shirt

T-shirt Dia Mundial do Cão da Serra da Estrela


S, M, L, XL

Price: 15 euros

+ expedition costs


casaco azul Cão da Serra da Estrela
Casaco laranja Cão da  Serra da Estrela

Colours: orange || dark blue


Price: 25 euros

+ expedition costs

Children hoodies

hoody preto Cão da Serra da Estrela
Hoodie branco Cão da Serra da Estrela

Colours: white | black.

Age: 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13, 14-15

Price: 25 euros

+ expedition costs

Multiposition tube scarf

bandana verde Cão da Serra da Estrela
Bandana laranja Cão da Serra da Estrela

Estrelas on your head and neck

Colours: bright green | orange

Price: 5 euros

+ expedition costs

Felt broche

Pregadeira Cão da Serra da Estrela

Carry an Estrela

on your chest!

Price: 6 euros

+ expedition costs

Tote bag

saco de pano Cão da Serra da Estrela

Carry an Estrela

on your shoulder!

Price: 4,50 euros

+ expedition costs

Ewe cheese

Queijo de ovelha artesanal

Delicious handmade cheese

Weight: approx. 0,6 - 0,65 kg

Price: 12 euros

+ expedition costs

Ewe and goat cheese

queijo de ovelha e cabra artesanal

Delicious handmade cheese

Weight: approx. 0,6 - 0,65 kg

Price: 11 euros

+ expedition costs

Estrela car sticker 

autocolante Cão da Serra ds Estrela para carro

Customize your car

with your favourite dog breed

Price:  5 euros

+ expedition costs

Bottle bag

Caõ da Serra da Estrela Saco para garrafa

Felt bag to carry

or offer a bottle

Price: 9 euros

+ expedition costs

Glass coaster

Cão da Serra da Estrela Bases para copos

Unit price: 3 euros.

Set of 4: 10 euros.

Set of 6: 15 euros

+ expedition costs

Estrela magnet

Ímanes Cão da Serra da Estrela

Colours: brown and pale grey

Felt made. Size: 9 x 9 cm

Unit price: 6 euros

+ expedition costs

Rattle keychain

Porta-chaves chocalho

Felt made. Size: 8 x 7 cm

Unit price: 6 euros

+ expedition costs

Estrela keychain

Porta-chaves Cão da Serra da Estrela

Felt made. Size: 9 x 9 cm

Unit price: 6 euros

+ expedition costs

Ewe glove puppet

Fantoche ovelha

Woolen crochet

Price: 18 euros

+ expedition costs


Jogo do galo em feltro

For the whole family!

Price: 12 euros

+ expedition costs

Rag toys

Cordas de trapilho

Play with your dog!

Unit price: 6 euros

+ expedition costs

Snuffle matt

tapete sensorial

Stimulatin and entertaining

Price: 10 euros

+ expedition costs

Snuffle toy

Brinquedo farejador

Keep your pup busy

Price: 6 euros

+ expedition costs

Rag toy

Brinquedos de trapilho

Hide your pup's food

Price: 7 euros

+ expedition costs

Nativity scene (small)

Presépio com Cão da Serra da Estrela

Including an Estrela

Exclusive for the APCSE

Price: 15 euros

+ expedition costs

Nativity scene (large)

Presépio  artesanal com Cão da Serra da Estrela

Including an Estrela

Exclusive for the APCSE

Price: 25 euros

+ expedition costs

Children's book

Livro O Lobo-Ibérico e a Estrela

"The Iberian Wolf & the Estrela"

(in Portuguese)

Price:  10 euros

+ expedition costs

Vários dos artigos da nossa loja são de fabrico artesanal (cada unidade poderá ser ligeiramente diferente das outras) e temos em stock quantidades limitadas mas que serão repostas. Ao efectuar a sua encomenda por email, receberá indicação sobre o tempo de espera até ela estar pronta para expedição por correio.

Do you wish to immortalize your furry friend?

Retrato de Cão da Serra da Estrela por Ana Afonso

Now you can have an oil painting portrait of your beloved Estrela, made from their photo by artist Ana Afonso, who drew the Estrela head on the World Estrela Day

t-shirt. Various sizes.

Price on request

Ana Afonso

APCSE - Associação Portuguesa do Cão da Serra da Estrela

©2024 por APCSE - Associação Portuguesa do Cão da Serra da Estrela. 

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